VALUES: Influence and Honor

Everyone desires and quest for some level of respect, influence and authority. 

We're mostly delighted by the sounds of Joy,  by the ecstasy of victory and by the achievement of enviable results. We love everything perfect even if we are far from perfect.

We prefer to be Loved. 

We prefer to be Rich.

We prefer to be the ONE.

We prefer to be at the top.

We prefer to be the influencer.  

We prefer the the titles, "honorable", " Excellency", "Leader", "Boss", " Mentor"...

Every day we plan out our lives, even if we  do not plan. Yea, frankly speaking, whether you plan or not, you'll get a result. A popular saying that "if you fail to plan, you've planned to fail" is so damn true. Just as there's a reward for every action taken, there's also a reward for every "non-action" taken. Anyway, that's by the way. 

So we all go out everyday to fulfil some daily functions, functions that most times determine our results and reputation.

Now, we all have needs, we all have goals, we all have desires, we all have cravings, we all have appetite, and we all have a destiny.

Therefore we cautiously make choices that will support the fulfilment of our desires and the quenching of our hunger.

We'd rather not pick up some choices if they will attack the plans we've sketched out for our lives. An interesting way to live. 

Everything you do is telling on who you are and people will address you based on how you appear or tend to appear to them.

Question: How then do you gain influence or command Honor?

Simple answer: Values

- Your authority can not exceed your domain of influence and your influence is a reflection of the values you possess.

- People will submit to you, only because you have a track record of reliability and honesty.

- People love those who love them. People would go for what supports their Joy and security and not what or who doesn't care about them.

So one of the keys to commanding honor and respect from people anywhere in the world is to be reliable and possess some high level of faithfulness.

We are still talking about VALUES. Now, how do you expect to be highly esteemed by someone you don't care about? Can you imagine that? This happens everywhere. 

Have you asked yourself, "why does this guy dislike me so much?" Or "Why am I not getting respect from this person?" Or "why am I always embarrassed by (someone)?." Well, You might want to say "I don't care who likes me or not" but when it becomes an anthem among groups of people, then it has become a call for concern, it is now a problem that you need to attend to fast.

It is true that you can't please everyone, but at least a higher percentage of the people in your life should be those who supports and encourage and toss you forward, and not otherwise.

You're valuable only to those you affect their lives positively. Those who see you as a big deal. Those who won't have to exchange you for something else. Those who enjoy your company.

If you lack friends or good and loyal people around you, it's a message about your character. No one would follow you if they've seen you to be irresponsible.

Your relationship with people is an investment. Every character you exhibit towards anyone is recorded, and a day will come when it will be called upon for a reaction. True!

You don't have to announce yourself to the world, your values will.

The level of result you command is/are a reflection of what values you possess. And because value is measurable, your results also are weighed as such.

#Be responsible

#Be valuable


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