I often imagine why many people ignore what will give them joy and security but decide to opt for what will make them restless and broken. Then I thought.. 'INFLUENCE'.

The media has a way of persuading you to engage in tasks that wouldn't benefit your life, atmost it will give you a momentary glare of pleasure. So you can see someone make a particular pose on the Internet and you spend the rest of your day rehearsing how to make it pleasurable for you, only to realize you've wasted both your time and strength, because you'll eventually find out that it's reasonless.

However, if and when we see a recommendation that show us the path to the life we imagined and Dream of, we most times reject or ignore because they often don't seem like it, they don't resemble the paths we've captured in our memories for that feat. Any procedures that doesn't guarantee us an instant result is not worth our time, we all want everything easy and readily available at all times, but it doesn't work that way. If everything is rosy and easy, its might be a sign that it's a sham.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy, so your own definition of 'easy' is  what controls your gullibility. We all have our imaginary pictures of the achievements we have, and atleast every once in a while, we sit down to imagine some happy moments, a correction of our pasts or a prediction of the future, all just to give us hope of an excitable experience. 

I preach Responsibility always. There are only a few things in life that doesn't depend on us, that we almost can't do anything to change. But there are so many things in our lives and around us that we influence. You're responsible for how your life looks like, yea your life might not be what you have wanted it to be, and perhaps you even know who to blame for your predicament, but I want you to believe me when I say, you're responsible for that. 

Its very easy to point accusing fingers at someone else, in today's world only few people love to take the blame for a fault, we all want to be declared saints and blameless, that's good but not correct. Everyone has a part to play in something, just like your Happiness is your responsibility  infact, it's your right. We all aim for joyful experiences and will do anything to get it, but many times we rush into things without properly calculating the costs. Its not only selfish, it's absurd. We spend quality time, searching ways to make ourselves happy, only to end up being deceived and used up. 

"happiness comes from within ". Never let your quest for comfort and happiness drive you towards something you'll regret soon. There's no way imitating someone's lifestyle with give you true joy and peace, stop creating an imbalance around yourself. Everything you need to be happy is inside you, stop looking for it somewhere else. Other people's methods might not work for you, seek to dig out yours.

Learn to be yourself at all times, don't be deceived and coerced into what will rob you of your inner strength and loose your happiness.

Your happiness is your responsibility.


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